Mulholland Dérive
site-specific works along the entire length of Mulholland Drive
Los Angeles Road Concerts presents a showing of site-specific projects from over 110 Los Angeles artists in unused public outdoor spaces along the entire length of Mulholland Drive’s 21 miles, starting at its east end, at Cahuenga Pass, and resulting with a reception party near the Nike Missile Site in the Santa Monica Mountains. For one day, artists will perform works, display installations, facilitate carpool happenings, host spontaneous readings, and make music in unexpected spaces such as on the sidewalk, between dumpsters, along precipices, as well as inside the audience’s cars as they traverse one of LA’s most iconic streets. The audience can choose how long they want to spend at each spot, whether or not they want to park or get out of their cars, skip spots or drive at different speeds between them. Audience members are additionally invited to car pool with artists and to switch car pools at their leisure. The road concert can also easily be experienced by bus, bicycle and walking. An official map of the day’s events along with project descriptions and other downloadable information will be available to the public starting on December 5 on the event website (www.laroadconcerts.org).
LA Road Concerts seeks to investigate the possibilities of LA's lengthy streets as sites for artistic exploration while using the street itself as a cross-section to observe the city's diversity of landscapes and people, how the Los Angeles metropolis grew, and the massive in-between and negative spaces it left behind as it expanded. How can we generate a new kind of LA experience, utilizing its car culture to find meaning and bring attention to a collection of less obvious destinations? Additionally, through a wide open call process, Los Angeles Road Concerts brings together art school graduates, working artists, local residents, and other artists, writers, musicians, dancers, academics, etc, to realize a broad array of kinds of interactions with the sites. Participants find unlikely audiences, people who may have never been to a gallery space but who ultimately take great interest in participants' work.
A dérive is a spontaneous exploration of urban landscapes guided by aesthetic instinct. The Mulholland Dérive invites its audience to drop their relations, their work and leisure activities, and all their other usual motives for movement and action, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain of Mulholland Drive and the encounters they find there. The iconic Mulholland Drive begins at Cahuenga Pass and winds through LA's quiet, affluent Hollywood Hills neighborhoods, past the homes of famous stars, massive mansions, rich baby boomers in convertibles, people sitting alone in their cars at lookouts, cliffs, crossing over the 405 on the Carmageddon-causing bridge, then turning into "Dirt Mulholland" an undrivable six miles through the Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles as a distant backdrop on both sides along much of the drive.
Participating Artists:
Akina Cox, Alex Miller, Alexa Gerrity and Marc Horowitz, Alexia Lewis, Allison Carter, Anna Bruinsma, Anthony Moses Sanchez, Astri Swendsrud and Quinn Gomez-Heitzeberg, Austin Young, Becca Lieb, Billy Kheel, Bloody Death Skull, Bridget Kane, Chris Girard, Christie Scott, Christy Roberts, Christopher Anthony Velasco, Christopher Cole and Marcus Rubio, Corey Fogel & Elizabeth DiGiovanni, Corrie Siegel, Daiana Feuer, Danielle Adair, David Burns, Dirty Chaps, Doña Nicha, DUM DUM Zine with TULIPS, Eli Langer, Emma Elizabeth Kemp, Eric Lindley, Fette Sans, Foundation for Awarenessness, Frit & Frat Fuller, Ian MacKinnon & Travis Wood, Idea Truck, Jamora Crawford, Janne Larsen, Jason Jenn, Jean and Julianna's Cinema, Jeremy Fisher, Joe Milazzo, Joey Cannizzaro and Adriana Widdoes, John Kilduff, Jon Rutzmoser, Jonas Becker, Julie Tolentino with Stosh Fila, Keith J. Varadi, Kevin Taylor, Kimberly Zumpfe + Satoe Fukushima + Colin Lindsay + Aaron Guerrero + Camilo Restrepo + Minkyung Choi, Kristy Baltezore, Lamar D Sol, landd, Lissa Resnick's No Strings Attached Dance Company with Michael Lightsey Fine Arts, Liz Toonkel, The Lone Stars, Margie Schnibbe, Mark Mars, Martha Atwell and Jim Balsam, Maryam Hosseinzadeh, Matias Viegener, Melanie Nolley, Millicent Borges Accardi + Madeleine Swift Butcher + Kathi Stafford, Mobile Pinhole Project, MUC Collaborative, Nicole Antebi, Paige Tighe, Peter Nichols, Philip Mantione and Daniel Eaton, Rhiannon Aarons, Rick Galiher, Robbie Hansen + Albert Ortega + Aaron Spafford, Robin Myrick + McCreature, Sheree Rose and Michael MP Griffin, Shiva Aliabadi and Matthew Carter and Eric Sarbach, Skip Snow + Frau Kolb + Todd Gray, Social Humanistic ART, Thinh Nguyen, Three, Tom Dunn, Tracy Jeanne Rosenthal, Tucker Neel, Tyler Calkin, Tyr Jung, Victoria Goring, Vitamin Wig C, Vuslat Demirkoparan and Ilknur Demirkoparan, We Open Art Houses (WOAH), Yana Tutunik, Yarn Bombing LA, Young Summers and Ann Zumwinkle, Zen Dochterman